Describing and Exploring Quantitative Variables
Single Group
Several Groups
Enter Data:
From Textbook
Your Own
Sleep Study: Average Sleep
Sleep Study: Poor Sleep Quality Score
Sleep Study: Alcoholic Drinks per Week
Oscars: Age
Hate Crimes (SPLC)
Movie Runtime (G Rated 1990-2016)
Bad Drivers (alcohol)
Teaching Evaluations - Age
Teaching Evaluations - Percent Complete
Teaching Evaluations - Students
Teaching Evaluations - Scores
Penguins - Flipper Length
Penguins - Body Mass
Friends - Viewers
Friends - Rating
Cereal Sodium Content
Hours Watching TV (2013)
Hours Watching TV (2018)
Cereal Sugar Content
Female Student Heights
Youth Unemployment Rate in EU
NYC Airbnb Prices
Hurricane Damage
Energy Consumption of Countries
CO2 Emmissions of EU Countries
SAT Scores
Do you have:
Individual Observations
Frequency Table
Name of Variable:
7.18 6.93 5.02 6.9 6.35 9.04 7.52 9.01 8.54 6.68 8.09 8.43 6.89 7.45 8.93 8.9 8.34 8.22 8.39 7.43 7.29 8.57 9.39 9.57 8 9.87 8.75 8.57 7.71 7.43 8.32 9.07 8.64 9.06 7.14 7.79 6.93 8.33 9.68 8.43 7.82 7.93 7.98 8.93 8.46 8.3 8.61 6.14 6.07 6.39 8.36 7.68 8.27 9.07 6.14 5.78 8.9 7.05 8.29 6.29 7.96 8.16 7.24 7.13 6.12 9.29 10.45 7.98 9.14 8.66 7.85 8.44 7.9 7.96 8.73 8.21 8.07 8.24 7.59 8.94 8.11 8.23 8.42 9.05 4.95 6 9.19 7.21 8.8 6.82 9.64 7.29 8.43 8.18 7 9 7.87 7.46 8.86 7.64 8.11 6.5 6.51 7.83 7.63 8.49 9.96 9.8 7.93 7.05 7.61 7.84 8.52 8.59 6.36 8.54 7.21 7.64 7.05 8 7.25 9.25 7.71 8.2 7.6 7.4 7.81 9.15 8.71 5.93 7.54 7.73 7.67 7.18 8.68 7.88 6 7.39 7.87 5.75 9.32 6.78 6.43 9 9.19 7.99 6.36 7.26 7.53 7.64 8.89 7.83 7.04 8 8.79 8.17 8.18 9.85 7.89 7.5 8.21 8.71 8.93 6.93 7.79 8.21 8.29 7.3 7.86 8.18 7.75 7.96 7.64 6.51 9.87 7.86 6.69 10.62 7.11 8.04 8.61 6.57 8.43 8.75 8.29 7.32 8.49 7.57 7.43 8.88 7.43 7.5 6.19 5.96 7.52 8.07 7.98 8.81 8.82 9.05 7.63 8.75 6.43 7.93 9.61 8.42 7.38 8.19 8.24 8.46 8.9 7.93 6.96 7.93 8.39 8.57 8.23 9.11 8.43 7.68 8.36 7.91 8.27 7.94 8.68 7.44 7.24 8.21 9.64 9.21 7.29 5.64 7.25 8.61 7 7.14 8.26 7.98 7.75 8.26 10 8.75 8.86 8.24 6.5 8.54 8.38 7.61 7.55 9.17 8.07 8.55 8.82
Enter observations (separated by space) or copy and paste from spreadsheet:
Enter distinct values for discrete variable and their frequencies:
Choose Type of Plot:
Stem & Leaf
Select Binwidth For Histogram:
Lower Bound Of First Bin:
Enter Binwidth Manually
Select Starting Bin
Display Percent
Boxplot Options:
Vertical Boxplot
Dotplot Options:
Select Dotsize for Dotplot:
Select Binwidth for Dotplot:
Download Dotplot
Stem & Leaf Plot Options:
Select Length
General Options:
Edit Plot Title
Select Color
Linear Transformation
Which One?
Select additative (a) and multiplicative (b) constant in y = a + bx
Stem and Leaf Plot:
Enter Data:
From Textbook
Your Own
Sleep Study: Missed Classes (Academic Year)
Sleep Study: Average Sleep Score
Sleep Study: Poor Sleep Quality Score
Sleep Study: Alcoholic Drinks per Week
Sleep Study: Missed Classes
Movie Run Time
Hate Crimes (Source)
Recent Grads - Salary
Recent Grads - Salary Many Majors
Palmer Pinguins: Flipper Length
Reaction Time with Cell Phone
Airbnb Price by Type of Room
CO2 Emmissions by Continent
SAT Scores by Region
SAT Scores by Participation
Weekly Working Hours
Sugar Content in Cereals
# of Groups:
Variable Name:
Group Name:
Group Labels:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:
Group 7:
Group 8:
Group 9:
Group 10:
Group 11:
Group 12:
Choose Type of Plot:
Boxplot Options:
Vertical Boxplots
Histogram Options:
Select bin width:
Select dot size:
Edit plot title